Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics Solved?
A college-level sourcebook and textbook on several problems in philosophy, physics, and metaphysics, with tentative solutions using the new methodology of information philosophy, which goes beyond logic and language to the underlying information structures. Chapters include metaphysics, ontology, free will, value, good and evil, god and immortality, epistemology, universals, induction, meaning, mind, mind-body, consciousness, self and other minds, mental causation, an information interpretation of quantum mechanics, measurement problem, determinism, collapse of the wave function, entanglement, decoherence, SchrOdinger's cat, arrow of time, microscopic irreversibility, recurrence, emergence, origins of life and information. Appendices included on information, entropy and the second law, quantum physics, chance, an experience recorder and reproducer, cosmic creation process, and biosemiotics. 456 pages, 45 figures, glossary, bibliography, index.