Reflections on a Golden-winged Warbler; The Joys and Aesthetics of Birding
"Reflections on a Golden-winged Warbler" was chosen by "BirdWatching" magazine as one of the Best New Bird Books of the Year (Dec. 2014). ☞ Contains a guide to birding Plum Island. ☞ ☞ Author, Doug Chickering, is one of the most popular contributors to the New England listserve "Massbird". He has been invited to publish his essays on birding in the publications Winging It, Bird Observer, and The Quail. Radio host Ray Brown has had Chickering as a guest reader six times on his program Talkin' Birds. And serious New England birders await each new Chickering Internet post with anticipation. The reasons for Chickering's popularity are twofold. In his essays, Chickering captures again and again those moments in the birding life when an experience in the field knocks your socks off; and Chickering has for nearly three decades been one of the most frequent and passionate birders and chroniclers of the Plum Island area, one of the most famous and historic birding locations in the world. Reflections on a Golden-winged Warbler is a collection of Chickering's best essays, rewritten for this volume. In reading them you will learn what the real first bird of spring is; the three ways that birders are introduced to the sport; the power of yellow on a Yellow-breasted Chat or a Prothonotary Warbler to raise our senses to a higher level; three types of close encounters with birds; and why the woodcock didn't cross the road (it has to do with beach weasels). Chickering's essays bring to life our own memories of our best moments in the field, by describing his favorite moments in his characteristic, magical prose. Cover illustration by Sarah Klockars-Clauser. Cover and book design by Eileen Klockars and published by Bard Brook Press, of Belchertown, MA. - Description & images provided by Booklars of Bard Brook Press.