AD 70 The Movie
I didn't "go West young man" seeking fame and fortune. I had no ambition to be a screenwriter. I never dreamed I could do it. Fact is, I had never seen a screenplay, lest of all read one. Instead, Hollywood came to me-"out of the blue." That initial encounter ended up consuming the better part of a twelve-year period in my life, and a hefty sum of money as well.
Twenty years have now passed since my initial encounter with Hollywood. And I still receive inquiries asking, "Whatever happened to that big-screen Hollywood movie about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple circa A.D. 70 that you were working on?"
This book is my story of the highs and lows I experienced and endured during those twelve years pursuing Hollywood, along with the resultant 125-page (in 81/2 x 11 format) and 12th and final draft of that script/screenplay those years and that adventure produced.
Therefore, in this book you will discover:
→ How Hollywood came to me.
→ What a big-budget, action-adventure, historical-epic screenplay looks like.
→ How one pitches a project of this scope to producers, agents, and the studios.
→ Warnings and dangers for screenwriters to beware of.
→ Why Hollywood is the only town in the world where you can die from encouragement.
→ Why I departed Hollywood and returned to writing books.