Everybody Toots
Fanny whistle, passing gas, toot, whatever you want to call it, everyone does it, and it's nothing to be embarrassed about What's important to remember are your manners, or your "tooting etiquette," when dealing with this troublesome bum problem. Everybody Toots is a cute and silly book aimed at teaching children manners, along with why we all pass wind. It's written in a style that is fun and entertaining with illustrations that will surely make them chuckle, all while they're learning how to be polite when it comes to dealing with those pesky tushy ticklers. About the Authors Everybody Toots was laughed up by 4-year old Drew who, like most boys, was (and still is) obsessed with his gassy behind. He dreamed up "The Toot Man" while working with his mom, Kelly, to come up with the concept of this book for kids everywhere. Our amazing illustrator, Mike Borromeo, has made our visions come to life, and made us laugh the whole way through the development of this book. For Drew, toots never get old and we can only hope there comes a day when he will remember his manners when passing gas