Bivo: A Modern-Day Guide for Bi-Vocational Saints
"If the decline in the American church continues at present pace, the future leaders of Gods church will be plumbers, school teachers, stay at home moms, & business owners." Hugh Halter
Very few are talking about it yet, but thousands of pastors are opting for a Bi-Vocational lifestyle. Like the 16th century Trappists discovered, our prayer and our labor go hand in hand in God's economy. Everything is sacred, even our secular work.
Bi-Vocational living doesn't have to mean doing two things poorly. It is the pathway of learning how to leverage all of life into one calling. The BiVO life: *Gives you natural street-cred with the culture you live among *Allows you to pastor, mentor, and disciple friends without the pressure of getting anything from them, or growing a church. *Opens up creative and natural ways to bless the culture and make the kingdom tangible. *Allows you to live naturally, while God builds His church from your life.
The BiVO way may not be better for everyone...but it may be better for you.
Get Hugh's BiVO book, take the free BiVO assessment, and join the growing BiVO Network for coaching, encouragement, and stories of the BiVO life.