The Healing I Took Birth For: An Autobiography of Ondrea Levine
For over thirty-two years, Stephen and Ondrea Levine have provided emotional and spiritual support for those who face life-threatening illness and for their caregivers. Through their healing and forgiveness workshops, many writings, and compassionate interaction with others, they have deeply touched the lives of people throughout the world. The Healing I Took Birth For is the heartfelt sharing of Ondrea Levine's life of service. It's a deeply inspiring example of how one faces illness, great personal difficulties, spiritual practice, grace-and the spiritual unfolding from a limited sense of self into the deathless essence of pure Being. The catalyst for sharing Ondrea's story came about as a result of a medical prognosis that foretold the end of a lifetime of spiritual exploration. In this deeply touching collaboration between Ondrea and Stephen, they struggle with the heart-breaking/heart-healing task of trying to express, through the limitations of language, both Ondrea's inner experiences and the significant outward events in her life-or, as Ondrea likes to call it, a "love story." "This is the most intimate collaboration of any we have worked on," says Stephen, "It gave us an even deeper opportunity to be within each other's experience in a most remarkable way. It was nothing short of grace to be able to write this story in her first person singular. It represents part of her healing process as well as mine." "Stephen and Ondrea's teachings have served as a profound source of wisdom and inspiration for me over the years. Their work is created from a place of reverence and compassion, and as such benefits all who seek to live with a clarity, resolve and an open heart." -Rich Fernandez, Ph.D., head of Learning & Organizational Development, eBay Stephen and Ondrea Levine are the authors of more than ten books, including Who Dies, Embracing the Beloved, and A Year to Live. While they live in relative isolation in northern New Mexico, the website is a way for them to connect with an outside audience and continue their teaching work.