If You Wake Up, Don't Take It Personally
Vorsicht! Watch out! Karl Renz is as sure to madden as he is to delight-but people keep coming back anyway, because he is so right, or perhaps only because he is so entertaining. With Karl, every idea, every theory, every sacred idol of the mind, is fair game. Sooner or later, he will turn his attack to one of your most cherished beliefs, and his bite is sure to sting, but then, amidst all the fun and laughter and the relaxed atmosphere of acceptance that he generates, you will start to laugh at yourself, and the hardened misconceptions with which you perpetuate your suffering will begin to fall away. Karl is a teacher of non-duality; he recommends no specific technique and advocates no method. His talk will contradict itself, or run in circles, or simply converge into indecipherable paradoxes. The room is full of people determined to understand his system-struggling to figure it out, once and for all, write it down, memorize it, and then walk away "enlightened"-but there can be no figuring out, because any enlightenment you could "figure out" would be a mere idea. Karl is always pointing to something beyond ideas and concepts, and he takes you there.