The Bishop Maker: When the Battle is for the Subconscious
Have you ever dreamed of a Christian utopia where everyone is in agreement with all taught doctrines and lifestyles? But the authority and discipline doctrines required to have near-perfect unity contain within themselves the seeds of destruction and come at a high cost. This novel details at a very personal level such a group that succeeded at this for nearly eighty years, resulting in a closely knit fellowship spread across the United States. But as the destructive unity doctrines began to destroy the author’s lifelong friendships, and families began to crumble, Rhett no longer believed his own family was safe. This novel starts just before the fundamental Bible-based group suffers a hostile takeover when mind control techniques are deployed by a long-standing minister who recently retired from a mysterious job at a government weapons development center. It is the most disturbing time of Rhett's life as the group fragments and lifelong relationships are destroyed, but he receives unexpected rewards in his allegiance to Christ. Also detailed is how to tell if subtle mind control techniques are being subconsciously used in a group to influence unknowing victims by those who just feign love and compassion, before they ultimately attempt to destroy others without remorse. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.