Grace at Work: The Secret to Getting More from Your Job Than a Paycheck
Review\nBusiness literature has long needed such a guide as Grace at Work. Grace is all about relationships and treating others the way we wanted to be treated. When we apply the prinicple of grace in our dealings with our employees, fellow workers, and customers, work becomes less mundane, more enjoyable, and more productive. Hats off to Tim and Michael for producing a much-needed template for success in the marketplace. ~ F. L. (Steve) Stephens, Retired Chairman/CEO, Town & Country Food Stores\nTim and Michael offer a compelling vision for discovering meaning and joy in your work. It's not transactional but grounded in bringing to work a heart of grace. It will make a difference in you, the lives of your colleagues, and maybe transform your workplace. ~ Brad Edson, Co-owner Edson Electric Supply & Co-founder Marketplace One Companies\nFinally, a book that shows us what God's grace looks like lived out in the workplace. Having worked closesly with both Tim and Michael in various capacities, I can tell you their lives are living examples of what this book is all about. I am a better man because I know them. Read Grace at Work, and then let God's grace shape the way you treat others. ~ Kevin East, President & CEO at Mentoring Alliance\nWhat do you do for a living? The answer to this question tells people a little bit about your interests, what you’re passionate about, and how stressful you are. Did you know Americans experience stress levels far above the global norm? What if there was a way you could make work more enjoyable and less stressful?
In Grace at Work, Dr. Tim Kimmel, Founder and Executive Director of Family Matters and co-author Michael Tooker educate and inspire workers so they can apply grace-based lessons where they spend most of their time—at work.
Kimmel and Tooker teach readers how to: influence others with kindness, mercy, understanding, and patience. be encouraging to your colleagues and create a positive work environment. forgive at the workplace and share hope with others.\nYou shouldn’t be modeling Jesus in the workplace. You should be following Jesus in the workplace. Grace at Work is for anyone tired of their negative work environment, employees overwhelmed with office politics, and men and women searching for a way to incorporate their Christian values into the place where they spend a majority of their time.
Do you want to feel more secure, significant, and strong in the workplace?
After reading Grace at Work you’ll: better understand the importance of being different. learn why it’s important to make mistakes. strengthen your faith, integrity, and courage. possess a better understanding of the three key takeaways about grace.\nDr. Tim Kimmel is the founder and Executive Director of Grace Based Families, whose goal is to see families transformed by God’s grace into instruments of reformation and restoration. Tim has developed resources, conferences, and media tools to equip and encourage parents, grandparents, churches, and couples.
Tim and Grace Based Families conduct marriage and parenting conferences across the country and the world on the unique pressures that confront members of today’s families.\nFrom the Back Cover\nYou're a follower of Jesus. You don't take that lightly.\nBut, like everybody else, you've got to work. And, like everybody else, the primary reason you work is for the paycheck. Yet, you'd like to bring more to it and get more out of it than that. But its challenges, difficulties, and culture complicate your ability to play your position well.
The reason so many Christians are disappointed in their work is because they've been expecting it to bring joy and provide meaning to their lives. But what if God never intended for work to bring joy or meaning to you, but for you to bring those things to it?\nYou can't avoid the challenges of the marketplace, but you can change the way you operate in the marketplace. How? By LOVING the people you work with the way God lo