Grace Based Discipline: How to Be at Your Best When Your Kids Are at Their Worst
"Parents face a crazy paradox," says author Karis Kimmel Murray. "We love our kids exactly as they are, but we also love them too much to let them stay that way!"
Disciplining kids is tough . . . even on a good day. We just want the 140-character version of what we should do when our kids' behavior scrapes the enamel off our sanity. Here's what God says:
With humor and down-to-earth practicality, Karis shares stories of trial and triumph straight from the trenches of parenting. From the first page, Karis gives desperate parents a reliable recipe for peace, boundaries, and effective discipline.
Stay calm, even when you're staring down the barrel of a loaded toddler
Customize your discipline to your child's unique personality, age and needs
Set rules based on God's priorities, not yours
Apply consequences that really work
Responsive, grace-based parents are just ordinary people who've learned to tap into divine help.
Special Features Included- 2 "hands-on" projects to help you implement grace-based discipline strategies at home.
- Kids Flag Page- Did you know that every member of your family might be from different "countries" and live their lives under different "flags?" The Kids Flag Page (R) and Adult Flag Page (R) help you learn about your child's (and your own) unique, God-designed "flag" (personality). This vital insight helps you tailor your discipline strategies to your child's unique needs. (Note: a mini-assessment is included in the book. Links to purchase the complete Kids Flag Page (R) Kit are included for further reference, but are not required to complete this project.)
- DIY Rulebook: step-by-step instructions to lead your family in brainstorming, categorizing, prioritizing and then writing a Family Code of rules and principles that are based on God's word and in line with your own family's unique culture.
"Thank you so much for a God-led book on parenting when it's the hardest but most rewarding thing a person can ever do."
Heather (Mom of 4 school aged children)
Sharla (Mom of 3 young children)
"I wish I had this book when my kids were young, but I can't wait to share it with my daughters who're raising their own kids now!"Linda (Grandmother)
"This book is so well written and relatable. There are some very important truths with great insight...I wish all new parents could get a copy in their hands!"Andi (Mom of a teen)