Reawakening Virtues: Restoring What Makes America Great
As an answer to the current political and social difficulties we face, author, radio host, and television commentator Armstrong Williams calls for a revival of basic virtues that have gone by the wayside in today's world. Drawing on his upbringing in South Carolina, he discusses such pertinent issues as fatherhood, motherhood, the sanctity of life, the virtues of capitalism and the need for observing the Sabbath to regenerate oneself. But while he discusses traditional virtues from a Christian point of view, there is nothing old-fashioned about his approach. Williams takes on hot button issues such as abortion from new, present-day perspectives, discussing the rights and responsibilities of fathers in the decision-making process. Ultimately, he argues for a revitalization of American society, politics and culture by updating the values of our founding fathers and bringing them full force into the 21st century.