The Fallen Eagle
FINALLY, a book that is not afraid to discuss the taboo topics of religion and politics, for the two have become one-politics has become a religion. The Fallen Eagle begins with a comprehensive look at humanism in America and its effects on our morals, our politics, and our future. We are all affected by the humanistic mix, so much so that the future of our country, our economy, our faith, and our freedoms are at stake, all under attack by the same forces of evil-the pervasive powers of religious humanism. THE WORST OF TIMES ... The deceitfulness of Antichrist is already with us. It seems a trademark of how things get done in America. Truthfulness is just another obstacle in the humanist's march toward total domination of the American landscape. The Fallen Eagle takes a long look at capitalism, her synthesis with socialism, and her eventual fall. Capitalism is well on its way to total submission to the wishes of liberal socialists. Her end is near. Mainline Christianity in America has backslidden and entered a heightened state of apostasy. It remains churchy but manifests only a form of godliness. The church in America is unholy, and it is powerless without purity. The church, its leaders, its powerless worship, the effects of humanism and capitalism-all are explored in great detail. THE BEST OF TIMES ... As matters of state are ultimately impacted by matters of the heart, The Fallen Eagle devotes most of its space to the apostate church and how its members can rise to the heights of holiness. We believe there is hope, if not for our nation's return to sanity, then at least for individuals in pursuit of sanctity. For those who choose holiness, these can be "the best of times." Holiness-that is our goal and our only hope in these troubled times ... the prelude to the Great Tribulation, the end of time, and the return of our LORD Jesus Christ.