UFOLOGY: The New Religion
Building on the growing body of evidence popularized by the well known Ancient Aliens Theory, Alan Lucia provides specifics about the many off-world races that have, reportedly over eons of time, sought both to aid and hinder mankind. Concepts dealing with world predictions, crop circle origin, and secret pyramid building techniques are discussed. In this book, among many other entities, youll come into contact with the "God," RA, who is no god at all, but rather a group-mind-alien-race said to be helping humanity throughout much of its history. Youll learn about the, "Law of One," the Galactic Federation of Light, Quantum/String Theory connected ideas of multiple Earths/universes, levitating stone theories, and even Reptilian DNA weirdness All overshadowed with the question: will these kinds of developing ideas ever amount to a legitimate religious doctrine in the years to come? Is there indeed a more holistic, alien-offered philosophy from which our planet would benefit? One with the potential to alter both the outer and inner landscape of human spirituality? One that, if accepted, would truly upgrade human society to a place of genuine, continuous peace? If so, then it s critical our world s nations find and merge with this philosophy. Do any of the individuals or groups investigated in this book offer such a life changing spiritual option . . . in fact, a New Religion? Alan Lucia s breakaway book compels us to deeply consider newly introduced alien teachings; laying the foundation for a world-wide philosophy that could potentially unite humanity in ways older teachings have never managed.