More Than Saying I Love You: 4 Powerful Steps That Help Children Love Themselves
Like most parents, we tell our children that we love them and we believe that speaking those words will translate into our children to continue loving themselves. We believe that if something is said over and over again it will gain validity and that our children would then internalize that “I love you” and from that create a healthy self-love.Self-love is not the same as being self-centered, egotistical, or narcissistic. What would it look like to have a generation of children that practiced self-love? They would be caring and loving towards others as well as themselves.They would appreciate their talents and be accepting of who they are. By being accepting and compassionate towards themselves, they can in turn be the same towards their friends, classmates, siblings, and parents. Their self-worth and high self-esteem becomes a by product of their self-love.