"The horrors and circumstances during World War II are depicted in this remarkable tale of fear and courage. The story takes you from England to France with a female American war correspondent trying to send the Americans the real story behind the war, and the English people trying to stay alive with all of the hardships of bombings and killings. The reader will be hard-pressed to read this without feeling it's more fact than fiction, more fear than sentimentality. This is for both men and women, but not a romance in any sense of the word. Action - yes; Conflict - plenty; Well-written - absolutely." - Rendezvous Magazine review of the Worldwide Library edition of ALLIANCES published in March 1987. THEY WERE ALLIES FORGED BY WAR: Nora Seymour, an ambitious war correspondent who discovered something more important than a byline on Europe's bloody battlegrounds; Constance Tolliver, the aristocratic voice of an English generation torn between conscience and survival; Peter Ryan, an American army surgeon dedicated to saving every life he could; Tim Chase, a flier whose boyhood was shattered by suffering, guilt and senseless death; and Matt Chase, a hardened warrior gripped by death until Nora lured him back to life. Some would live, some would die - all would change.