Book of Revelation Study Guide
A simple but inspiring, verse-by-verse guide to the book of Revelation, with a glossary of terms and symbols, and in-depth articles and charts. Mike Bickle's straightforward approach brings the message to life and emphasizes its relevance for us today. Gain understanding on some of Mike's most compelling insights into the book of Revelation:
* As an end-time book of Acts, it reveals God's glorious plan to use a lovesick Bride at the end of the age in unprecedented power and authority. She will partner with Jesus as He cleanses our planet of evil and ushers in the kingdom of God.
* It's an infallible prayer manual that maps out the global, strategic prayers of the praying church.
* While many saints are waiting to go up at the rapture to avoid the Tribulation, God is waiting for the Church to grow up in order to release the Tribulation judgments through prayer on the Antichrist.