The Re-United States of America: The Common Sense Guide for Defending America in the Age of Terror
In fighting the global war on terrorism, America has become embroiled in new kind of conflict. While the first two World Wars brought the country together, this war has divided it into bitter factions. This book examines the threat Islamic extremism poses to America and offers thoughtful solutions on how to reunite the country and defend against a common enemy. Author Marc Weisman begins with an overview of Islamic extremism in America and around the world, then offers a careful examination of violent jihad and the more dangerous but lesser-known nonviolent jihad. Weisman goes on to explore America’s fracture into so-called liberal and conservative blocs. As each group digs in to defend its position, the country’s divide grows ever deeper, thus crippling our response to the threat from abroad. Finally, he describes a series of fresh, logical, and achievable steps we can take individually and as a nation, to work toward peace.