Surfing the Himalayas
"Surfing the Himalayas" is the engaging story of a young American snowboarder who travels to the Himalayas seeking the ultimate high -- but surfs into an experience more transcendent than he could have ever imagined. In an accident of karmic destiny, the young man plows into a wizened Buddhist monk named Master Fwap who takes him on as a spiritual apprentice. Using snowboarding as a path to enlightenment, the charming and learned Master Fwap shows how, by freeing the mind and challenging the soul, one can master any mountain -- and master oneself.
Literary Reviews:
"In search of his spiritual roots, an American who journeys to the Himalayas for the ultimate snowboarding meets a Buddhist Monk and finds his life transformed. This tells of the young man's unexpected encounter with spiritual enlightenment, and is based on Dr. Lenz's own experiences in Nepal. Written as a novel, it's especially recommended for those interested in spiritual journeys."
-- Midwest Book Review
"A magnificent journey to the mountain within."
-- Lynn Andrews, author of Medicine Woman