The Love Feast
For months now, God has been dealing with me to write a book on His perfect love. God is the most misunderstood individual in the universe. God is not a God of judgment, although He will judge all someday, but He is a God of mercy and love. His love is the only thing greater than His power.
I feel compelled to write this book because no one should go through life without realizing they are loved by someone so deeply that He would give anything for them. God passionately loves you. You may ask how I know this.
First of all I have had a relationship with God for greater than 28 years and something that always stands out to me about God is, His love for me. Secondly, His Word, which cannot lie, tells us this is true.
John 3 16 tells us that: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Most of you know that God gave His Son to die on the cross for the sins of all men everywhere. How much more could He love you?
I am a father and I believe those who know me best would say I am a loving person who loves his family and I am someone who would die for my family, the church, and for God. One would never really know that unless placed in a position to have to make that choice, but in my heart, I believe I would lay down my life for my family, the church and for God.
In saying that, I feel that I could not give my son John to be crucified in your place or in mine. However, this is what the Father did for you and me. That is love!
In my travels, I am surprised, shocked and saddened to see how many people really believe that no one loves them. Nothing can be farther from the truth because the greatest person of all loves them God.
You may wonder why people do not believe that they are loved. I believe there are a few reasons. First, many people do not know what pure, real true love is because to many people, it is just lust or feelings. That is why they fall in and out of love all the time. Love is a verb or action. Love is doing and enduring. Secondly, we live in a dysfunctional society where fathers and mothers can just walk away from their children, while others stay with their children, but are abusive to them.
It hurts me so much to realize that there are many who have difficulty receiving the Fathers love because their earthly father abused them sexually, physically and/or mentally.
Gods love is a pure love. You might ask if God is so loving why would He allow those who abuse other to live? That is not a simple on-answer question, but it is proof of Gods love and He wants to give the abusers a chance to repent. However, if they do not repent, then vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay.
Always remember, with all people as with us, God would rather forgive than punish. He is longsuffering.
God loves you and so do I. I believe and pray that God will reveal His love to you in this book The Love Feast. I pray His love will become a reality to you as you read it.