Herbs: Nature's Medicine Chest
For thousands of years, mankind has relied entirely on plants and herbs to treat illnesses both minor and serious. On every continent, stretching back centuries, native cultures turned to indigenous plants to develop healing remedies. Over 4,500 years ago, Chinese and Native Americans began to organize bodies of knowledge about the medicinal properties of herbs. In the United States, around 80 of 150 of the most popular pharmaceutical products sold today contain active ingredients derived from herbal sources. Herbs: Nature's Medicine Chest discusses which herbs are most effective in treating some of today's most common ailments. Some of these uses include: soothing the misery of colds, flu, and allergies, promoting better digestion, calming stress, and getting a good night's sleep. In Herbs: Nature's Medicine Chest you will discover how herbs and natural remedies can be used to improve and maintain your overall good health.