Dad Cents: Teach Your Children Biblical Principles of Money
Dad Cents is devoted to helping dads & moms teach their children about money. In Shane's 10 years of experience in financial consulting he saw the results of families inability or simple disregard for passing financial education from generation to generation. One question he asks regularly is "Do you want your children to know more about money than you did when you left your parents home?" The answer is always yes. He then follows up by asking "What are you doing to make that happen?" The typical answer to his follow up question is "Not much!" Dad Cents begins by laying a foundation, built on character, to begin educating children about money. The acronym D-A-D-S will help the reader remember the character traits. He also speaks to parents in regards to their personal financial situation and education. The last half of the book is dedicated to practical application of concepts and ideas to teach children. Each application chapter is segmented by age and builds upon the previous chapter with application steps provided.