GUILTY...But Not As Charged
In the dying days of the Old West, this true-life story of West Texas rancher Noah Wilkerson has earned a small, but captivating, place in the era's history. A self-made man with little formal education, Wilkerson was a headstrong landowner used to doing things this way and answering to no one. Nothing about Noah suggested timidity. A man of few words, Wilkerson never really "fit in" with those around him. Nevertheless, he built a successful cattle and horse ranch as well as a home for his wife and nine children. His ordinary life, however, suddenly became entangled with many questions and few answers when a debatable arrest and conviction for murder led him to a new existence - as an outlaw on the run with a price over his head. Guilty...But Not As Charged is a fascinating, well-researched examination of this somewhat complex man whose decisions ultimately put him on the wrong end of a lawman's gun.