The Ayahuasca Sessions: Conversations with Amazonian Curanderos and Western Shamans
THE AYAHUASCA SESSIONS: Conversations with Indigenous Curanderos and Western Shamans, is the companion volume to the critically acclaimed Aya: a Shamanic Odyssey by Rak Razam. Richly illustrated with over 100 black and white photographs, this is a seminal collection of 24 interviews with native Peruvian curanderos, Western shamans, ayahuasqueros and spiritual seekers that drink the potent jungle medicine "ayahuasca". Journalist Rak Razam talks in depth with some of the leading lights of Amazonian shamanism, letting them explain in their own words what they do in their profession and what they think the unprecedented explosion in Western interest forbodes. Includes interviews with Guillermo Aravelo, Percy Garcia, Ron Wheelock, Dennis McKenna, Ph.D, Jan Kounen, Alan Shoemaker, and more. A classic text for those interested in the booming business of ayahuasca tourism, entheogens, spirituality, anthropology and counter-culture studies.