Remember Lot's Wife
Remember Lot's Wife. Christ saw the last days as terrible, yet normal. He saw Christians taking their ease, living happily in the world with God's blessings.Our Lord warned to beware of this condition of heart throughout His prophecies and parables concerning the last day Christian. Even though troubleincreases-most of the world will live a normal life, building, marrying, selling, planting and carrying on as usual! The free world's prosperity and temporalblessings, especially in America, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Europe, has a death grip upon the spirits and souls of most Christians! Jesus foresawthis and warned! It is time for the sincere Christian to make sure they are ready to endure the coming trouble and be found in Christ-no having the cares ofthis life and the love of this world holding them back.This Wilderness Voice Tract-Book pulls no punches in describing and exhorting what Scripture clearlyteaches concerning Christians who love this age and believe they will escape the coming judgments and wrath of God.