Adventures of Jang Jang: Jang Jang Goes to Mexico
Based on the true story of an action figure, a young boy trapped in a man's body, who illustrates humorously how compulsive behavior leads to a set of chain reactions. Jang Jang's character learns, like any young man, the hard way. He is engrossed in sports, fishing, dragons and pretty girls. And somehow, Jang Jang circumstantially learns about Mexico's flora and fauna, it's people, food, culture, the law and ultimately, redemption. Learn common Spanish words while visiting Mexico through Jang Jang's adventure! This chapter book of 68 pages includes over 40 Spanish words and 75 photographs. Spanish words are included in the glossary. Spanish words are highlighted in green. This is a chapter storybook and will require several sessions to complete the reading.Large print.