Resting on the Heart of Christ: The Vocation and Spirituality of the Seminary Theologian
Graduate study is difficult, but for the seminarian, it ought not to be void of spiritual growth. Such growth has long been hallowed in the processes of study but spiritual growth can also be developed and encouraged in the actual practices of attending to theological content. As Pope Benedict once noted, "The faithful expect only one thing from priests: that they be specialists in promoting the encounter between man and God... [The priest] is expected to be an expert in the spiritual life. Seminarians want to encounter God in study so as to draw their future parishioners into His Truth which is love. The question for seminary theologians is this: How can we serve this longing while also calling seminarians into the ascetics of study? Resting on the Heart of Christ answers this question by integrating the best of theological research with the rich, intellectual tradition of the Church and the wisdom of the saints, ensuring conversion of both mind and heart.