From Home to Home: The Story of the International Rescue Committee
Aiding refugees around the world since 1933. During the 1930s and 1940s, the humanitarian instincts of a few concerned individuals quickened into a rescue operation that plucked thousands of victims from the jaws of fascism in Europe. By the mid 1940s, these individuals were united under a single banner: The International Rescue Committee. During the years tat followed, the IRC turned its founding instinct into a mandate to act on behalf of the persecuted and displaced anywhere in the world and developed the core competencies necessary to do that. In the 1990s, it successfully navigated a period of dramatic growth and change. By the twenty-first century, the IRC found itself poised to do more, and for more people, than ever before, providing lifesaving relief, community-building aid, and resettlement services to uprooted people in 23 countries around the world. --- from book's back cover