Street: Empathy
In the future, telepathy is no longer a fantasy; it's a job. Gina- just Gina- is a woman with no future, trying to make her living along the Street of Eyes, where people go to hire the desperate and the suicidal for their unique services. She is one of the sellers, the new underclass, who use "third eye" or "Spice"- a powerful drug that gives them the ability to read minds- as their way of making ends meet. The drug has only one downside- it drives the user insane. Gina no longer cares about the risks and is content to go on the way she has for years, not knowing fate has something very different in store for her when she accepts a mysterious job from an unusual buyer. Before she knows it, Gina finds herself embroiled in a dangerous mystery, hunted by gangs and madmen, consorting with hackers and assassins, and all the while trying to keep her mind from coming apart at the seems. Street: Empathy is the first volume of the acclaimed online series STREET.