Strengths-Based Career Development for School Guidance and Counseling Programs
This publication is the first of its kind and a must-read for school counselors, teachers, administrators, and other educational personnel committed to fully integrating strengths-based career development content and career guidance activities into their schools comprehensive guidance and counseling programs. Drs. Gysbers and Lapan give step-by-step instructions on how to achieve full integration using a holistic, strengths-based career development model that unites the academic, career, and personal social domains of comprehensive guidance and counseling programs. The goal is to engage, energize, and prepare students to develop proactive, resilient, and adaptive approaches to the present as well as their personally valued futures. Part I provides a historical overview of the theoretical foundation for comprehensive school guidance and counseling programs. Part II contains an organizational framework and evidence-based activities for delivering career guidance to all students, Pre-K to12. Part III offers a plan for designing, delivering, evaluating, and advocating for strengths-based career development in schools through comprehensive school guidance and counseling programs.