The Life and Character of the Late Reverend, Learned, and Pious Mr. Jonathan Edwards
Samuel Hopkins (1721-1803) ÒUpon the death of Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Edwards, in consequence of verbal directions given to her by Mr. Edwards in his life time, put all his manuscripts and his library into my hands, and care: His manuscripts to be disposed of by me, and two other ministers. And Mrs. Edwards solicited me to write the life of Mr. Edwards, to be published, with a number of sermons, to be selected from his manuscripts. I considered myself very unequal to writing his life; but as by having the possession of his manuscripts, I was under better advantage to do it, than others, I engaged to do the best I could; and if it should be approved of by a number of friendly, judicious ministers, I would consent to have it published, on condition that my name should not be put to it.Ó taken from Sketches of the Life of the Late, Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D.