Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City: The Lopez-Hardway Report
Among the most important and revelatory of the declassified JFK assassination records is the House Select Committee on Assassinations' suppressed report on Lee Harvey Oswald's alleged trip to Mexico City in the fall of 1963. First available in 1993, and now with fewer blacked-out "redactions," this volume discusses one of the most mysterious and important matters of the Kennedy murder.
Unlike most such government reports, the Lopez-Hardway Report brims with unanswered questions and suspicions of a CIA cover-up. In this report, the Committee questions the CIA's assertions that no photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald was obtained by surveillance cameras, that CIA had no knowledge of Oswald's contact with the Cuban Embassy before 11/22/63, and that tapes of a person calling himself Lee Harvey Oswald were "routinely erased" prior to the murder of President Kennedy.
These tapped phone calls connected Oswald to a suspected Soviet assassination expert, and raised alarm bells in Washington DC. With evidence suggesting that Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, the question is raised--who would frame Oswald in such a way as to make it look like the KGB or Castro killed JFK?