Yeti 8
On the CD: rare/unreleased music from: Ty Segall, Woven Bones, Fergus + Geronimo, Zola Jesus, Aran Ruth, Vaselines, Little Claw, Tyvek, Evan Miller, Pigeons, Pete Swanson, Mantles, Jim Dickinson, the Splinters, Brown Recluse, Neverever, Gospel Songbirds, Limes, Bishop Perry Tillis, Inca Ore, Vampire Hands, Myelin Sheaths, the Moles. Inside the book: Interviews with Explode into Colors and Zola Jesus; famed musician/producer Jim Dickinson recalls growing up playing music in the segregated South, and how it's changed; a new look at the instruments Harry Partch created (with many full-page photos); the story of the unreleased album Johnny Mathis and Chic made together; extended interview with composer Eliane Radigue; Olivier Malosse's photographs of abandoned Japanese amusement parks; Amos Harvey's interview with the multiple personalities assumed by gospel-blues great Bishop Perry Tillis; visual work by Nicole Eriko Smith and Andrew Neyer; the hand-built noise instruments of Flower Electronics and King Capitol Punishment.