How to Live Without Electricity and Like it
There's no need to remain dependent on commercial electrical systems for your home's comforts and security. How to Live Without Electricity - And Like It describes many alternative methods that can help the independently inclined individual become more self-reliant and free from the utility companies. Author Anita Evangelista explains how to: * Calculate your actual power usage * Employ alternative light sources, including candles, oil-, kerosene-, gas- and solar-powered lamps, * Obtain, pump and store potable water * Cook with gas, wood, and solar heat * Heat and cool your home effectively * Refrigerate food without electricity * Maintain radio communications * Generate power and recharge batteries * and much, much more! Complete with numerous illustrations and photographs, as well as listings for the best mail-order sources for the products depicted, this is a complete sourcebook for those who wish to both simplify and improve their lives. Whether you're preparing for a cataclysmic event of taking steps to cope with the next annoying power blackout, How to Live Without Electricity - And Like It contains vital information that no one should be without! --- from book's back cover