Escaping Religion
For millennia, a struggle has been taking place between the sons of God and the sons of religion. In the last days of this age, God is raising up His sons all over the earth. He is raising up those who are led by the Spirit, those who live from the heart and walk in tremendous freedom. As these sons are being raised up, the religious systems of men are crumbling. This book focuses in particular upon what is taking place in the Mennonite church. Many of the religious institutions of the Mennonite church have been hijacked by religion. Religion strives to stop the sons from obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit. As religious institutions are beginning to crumble, God is raising up His sons out of the rubble. They are led by the Spirit of God, and they are unstoppable. If you are a Mennonite – this book is for you. This book will explain to you what is taking place in the Mennonite denomination. God has a specific call upon the Mennonites, to walk in the footsteps of their ancestors as they take up their cross and follow Jesus. This call is far more radical than most people understand. If you are not a Mennonite- this book is for you. The things that are taking place in the Mennonite denomination might be taking place in your church as well. Many church institutions have been hijacked by the spirit of religion. The Lord is shaking these institutions, and delivering His people