Journey, Discovering Faith Beyond the Four Walls of the Church
Some years ago a very wise young pastor explained to me that the world is full of ministry and its opportunities. I knew shortly afterwards that my role in this cause would be outside the four walls of the church itself. It is not usually those within who are suffering the result of having been disenfranchised or disillusioned by the "organized" practice of faith, though it does happen. In the practice of my own faith, both inside and outside the church, I learned that my ministry needed to be with those who were crying out (either silently or verbally) FROM the wilderness. I knew that I had to bring to them, by the power of God's own doing, the words that would personify His unconditional love and grace, the HOPE that lives in knowing Christ for oneself apart from the voices which so often exclude (and I believe distort) the truth of our own belovedness. These are those words.