Mighty Unclean
UNWELL... Cody Goodfellow wants to introduce you to a goddess who offers unsurpassed pleasure at an unspeakable price. UNWISE... Gemma Files wants you to see what happens when you look too closely into places and things better left unknown. UNQUIET... Mort Castle wants to play some unfamiliar music for you... the tunes of the lost and the damned. UNDONE... Gary A. Braunbeck wants to take you to the edge of madness and perversity... and push you over. From the agony of unrelenting grief to the desperation of spontaneously-combusting convicts, from the grim battle between a human monster and his otherworldy competition to the salacious secret life of Ro-Man(!). All this and more in strange worlds vividly painted by four supremely talented authors worlds that are twisted, cruel and mighty unclean.