Full a Bull - Sage Quips for Business and Life
In "Full A Bull" we provide some Sage Country Wisdom on business, family, and life. Many of the quips are time worn and likely familiar to y'all. Some will be new to you. All of them are molded into upliftin' stories offering advice on how to step through the pasture of life without gettin' something on your boots. Not much we've got to say came from books or school. In fact, we take a little pride in the fact that most of these lessons were earned with at least a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears.If your version of a perfect day starts with breakfast at Cracker Barrel, ends with a big bowl of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream, and includes fixin' something that's broke while watchin' NASCAR all from your Redneck Throne, 'er recliner...well, this is for you.