Lord Heal Me
This book examines the subject of healing from a biblical basis tracing every passage regarding healing, from Genesis through Revelation
In Lord, Heal Me, author Richard Mull wants believers to know that Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation granted wholeness in spirit, soul, and body. It is God’s will for His people to walk in that wholeness, power, and authority; yet many believers allow doctrine and unanswered prayer to inhibit their faith in God’s ability to bring restoration to their bodies. Mull approaches the subject of healing objectively using Scripture, not opinion, to serve as the foundation for his explanation of how believers can and should exercise the dominion God gave them. He examines accounts of healing in the Old Testament, in Jesus’ ministry, and in the early church to answer questions like, Does God still heal today? What must a person do to receive healing? Is there a connection between sin and illness? and To what extent should Christians rely on doctors and medicine to cure sickness? The book’s clear, easy–to–read structure will allow new and mature Christians to understand the message and hear God’s will for their lives in the area of healing without feeling condemned.