The Father's Promise: Questions and Answers About the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
There is a hunger growing in the church today. It is a hunger for more of God; a longing for the kingdom of God to come into our midst. The Holy Spirit is stirring in the hearts of God's people'stirring in our hearts with a yearning for a manifestation of that kingdom with miracles, healings, deliverance from demonic spirits and life changing grace. So, if you are one of those who is being stirred and drawn by God, then I believe this book is for you. God told me several years ago that He was going to fulfill His covenant (Genesis 12) to take His people into the Promise Land. It is not a physical place but the place where Jesus lives in the Spirit. It is a place of intimacy with the Father. Hopefully this book will answer at least some of the questions you may have about the Holy Spirit. So as Jesus has commanded us to follow Him, let's go by faith and the grace of God and be ready to forsake all (Luke 14: 33) and follow Him wherever He leads.