From Duty To Delight: Finding Greater Joy in Daily Prayer
Many Christians find about as much joy in their daily devotions as they do in a workout on the treadmill at their fitness club. You enjoy having completed it. Daily prayer doesn’t have to be an “ought to” in your schedule. It can become a “get to.” As the title suggests, setting aside focused time to interact with our Creator can become something delightful. There are two key elements to developing a lifestyle of daily prayer: having the right motivations and knowing specifically how we can converse with our Heavenly Father. Ron addresses both of these in a simple and compelling way.
From Duty to Delight will inspire and equip you with fresh, practical ways to experience meaningful interaction with God. In these pages you will see a variety of ways of praying that will make your daily time with God anything but dull, routine, and lifeless. You will find yourself losing track of time as you sense more and more of His life-giving presence.