2008 BPM & Workflow Handbook - Spotlight on Human-Centric BPM
Spotlight on Human-Centric BPM
Do you know how people'sprocesses fit into an automated environment?
Human-centric business process management (BPM) has become the product and service differentiator. The topic now captures substantial mindshare and market share in the human-centric BPM space as leading vendors have strengthened their human-centric business processes.
Our spotlight this year examines challenges in human-driven workflow and its integration across the enterprise.
Important chapters in this section include: * System Automation vs. Human Facilitation
* MyBPM: Social Networking for Business Process Management
* Services: Integrating User Interfaces into a Service-Oriented Architecture
* Impact of Organizational Changes on Running Processes: a Challenge for Achieving Business Agility
* Human-Driven BPM: the Missing Piece is People
* The Rise of Project Workforce
* XPDL Cross-Product Exception Handling for Workflow Management Systems
T* he Road to XPDL 2.0: Case Study
Starting with a look at the new business imperative for BPM in 2008 by Nathaniel Palmer, WfMC Executive Director, chapters this year include useful non-technical advice and a look at converging BPM technologies and how they will affect your business.
Technical papers include detailed examination of process mining and integration of WfMC standards with others in this space.
This book provides easy-to-read chapters such as Tips and Pitfalls when implementing your first BPM project and Step by Step SOA and contains many case studies with important information directly applicable to your own projects.
Throughout the book international industry experts and thought leaders present significant new ideas and concepts to help you plan a successful future for your organization.
This is a book for business people who just want to understand the how and why of process automation and integration in simple non-jargon terms. It is also for the technical person looking for the latest insights into where BPM standards are heading, how others are managing implementations and more.