Buying a car is a huge undertaking. If it was just transportation, it would be a simple matter. But when it comes to cars, every nerve ending in the body wants a vote. Don't you love the smell of a new car? The feel of the leather seats? The shininess of the paint? You bet! With all this sensory input at stake, personality takes over. It's all about how we appear to other people. Remember how you used to primp and carefully dress yourself when you met someone new? Why? To make an impression--the impression you think best represents you. And nothing says so much about you as your car. The choices are infinite. A bunch of people will, after reading the chapter on their car choice, say "That's the only car I could afford." BS! Every price point in the car market has dozens of choices. Just go to a junkyard and if you have only a hundred bucks to spend, you'll still have choices and will pick the heap that says, "This is me."