The Absolutely Critical Non-Essentials
How Dr Paddi Lund focused on the 'Critical Non-Essentials' in his business and created one of the most talked about professional service business in the world.
Imagine your customers describing your business in glowing terms to their friends and never questioning your quality. This service conept will change your perception of the customer experience.
Introducing the Critical Non-Essentials
In Paddi's business the little things make all the difference. The finer details of dentistry really don t have much impact on customers Paddi could do his dentistry a variety of ways and most people wouldn t really know what quality of care they ve had.
And yet Paddi s customers do have the perception that the quality of dentistry is high, extremely high.
Why? Well that's because,
* The tea is served impeccably,
* Their names and their photographs are actually on the door of their personal lounges.
* They re greeted by name by their own Care Nurse when they ring the doorbell.
Because these and a myriad of other little things are all done with great care and consideration like,
The Dental Buns,
The cappuccino machine,
The fresh flowers, and
The array of dried fruits and nuts.
How Do Customers Perceive Your Quality?
When you begin to understand what customers remember about your business, you will realise that it s rarely associated with the core part of what you do.
This book is about two parts of business. Both areas are in-essentials in that they are outside the core part of what you do. They are parts of business that are not strictly necessary in order for you to operate.
However, in spite of being usually seen as Inessentials, both these parts of business are highly critical to success.
Paddi s insights in this aspect of commerce will give you a whole new way of making your business magical, which is why Paddi calls them the Critical Non-Essentials.
The CNe's and Paddi's Favourite: Super CNe's
Paddi's Critical Non-Essentials are the little things in business that are so important in determining how clients judge your product even though they have very little to do with the product itself.
Paddi's Super-CNe s are again seemingly inessential, but when taken to the extreme they inject a zing into your business the Wow! Factor. The Super-CNe s give people an incredible story to tell their friends, and that will give you an enormous amount of free advertising.
How did Paddi discover these principles? And how do they work in other businesses? You will find out in this deligtful little tale.