FAA-H-8083-30-ATB A&P General Handbook
The FAA-H-8083-30-ATB Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook is the most up-to-date, highest quality, AND most economical General Textbook available. It is also the actual textbook from which all FAA knowledge test questions are based. The FAA did a terrific job with this new generation Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook replacing the older AC65.9. It is now fully up to date, easily readable, well illustrated, and in full color. It is also the actual textbook from which all FAA knowledge test questions are derived. Revision ATB corrects over 80 technical errors identified by Aircraft Technical Book Company in partnership with the five Part 147 A&P colleges listed below, thus making it the finest, most current, and most accurate textbook available to learn from and teach from. It is also considerably less expensive than the uncorrected editions from other publishers. 1] Clover Park Technical College 2] Redstone College 3] Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics 4] Robert C. Byrd Aerospace Center 5] Blue Ridge Community College This book was developed as the first of three volumes for persons preparing for A&P mechanic certification with an airframe and/or powerplant rating. This General volume covers mathematics, aircraft drawings, weight and balance, aircraft materials, processes and tools, physics, electricity, inspection, ground operations, and FAA regulations governing the certification and work of maintenance technicians. New to this edition is a section addressing how successful AMTs incorporate knowledge and awareness of ethics, professionalism, and human factors in the field. The new 30 pageFAA Human Factors supplement - Chapter 14, mandatory as of October 1 by FAA and ICAO is now included.