A Cafe in Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal, Volume 3
The official Anais Nin literary journal. This issue contains the early correspondence between Anais Nin and the agent who would help propel her to long-sought fame, Gunther Stuhlmann. The letters reveal the seeming hopelessness of Nin's quest for wide readership in the late fifties and early sixties, with descriptions of the mighty yet vain efforts to land an important American publisher. Twelve contributors--Richard Pine, Javant Biarujia, Toyoko Yamamoto, Katrin Burtschell, Karl Orend, Sarah King, Nabila Marzouk, James Clawson, Shyamal Bagchee, Jane Keller, Candace Fertile, and Pamela Francis--offer insightful and informative essays, poetry, and book reviews. Included in Vol. 3 are articles concerning Nin's two great literary allies in Paris, Henry Miller and Lawrence Durrell, and a look at the life of one of Nin's most enigmatic muses, June, Miller's wife. The journal has an associated web site and online discussion group.