No Case To Answer
No Case To Answer A retired English detective's essays and articles on the JFK Assassination: 1993-2005 By Ian Griggs "No Case To Answer" is a major advance in dealing with the Kennedy assassination. First, its essays address a host of popular research myths which continue to perpetuate themselves and waste the time and energy of both novice and experienced readers. Beyond that, however, Ian's professional experience surfaces and he exposes many of the key issues of evidence as well as methods which should have been addressed decades ago as part of a real criminal investigation of the assassination. His beat work, operational detective experience and fine investigative sense are all demonstrated in his examination of the Oswald line-ups, the non-existent paper sack, and his assembling of a duplicate of the alleged assassination weapon, eliminating any possibility that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was involved in the JFK assassination. It took an English detective to expose the complicity of Dallas police in the death of JFK!