Polish Chicago: Our History, Our Recipes
Polish Chicago: Our History - Our Recipes is the most ambitious work on the Polish community of Chicago to date. Author Joseph W. Zurawski, a historian, educator and author of the Polish experience in both Poland and America for almost 50 years, brings a wealth of insight and knowledge to this groundbreaking work. By elegant prose and stunning photograph (often rare and previously unseen), and poignant personal profile, Zurawski documents the full dramatic saga of Chicago's Polonia. In free and optimistic Chicago, these Polish Americans not only supported their beleaguered homeland, they also forever enriched their new home by contributing their tremendous work ethic, unending patriotism, fervent faith, tireless charity and beautiful culture to create a vibrant and ever-evolving Chicago Polonia. Polish Chicago: Our History - Our Recipes recounts the amazing story of these indomitable people. Moreover, for many food is simply nourishment, but for Polish Americans, food means family. It