The End Of Man
Building on ideas set forth in his earlier best-sellers The Second American Revolution and The Stealing of America, John W. Whitehead examines patterns of thoughts arising out of scientific determinism and advancing technology. Together these forces have eroded the traditional view of humanity made in God's image and replaced it with a relativistic, dehumanized view. The result has been the wholesale destruction of human life. Now, at the dawn of the 21st century, man faces the greatest threat ever: total annihilation. A new breed of death dealer is beginning to gain prominence. Eugenics is being promoted under the name biomedical ethics ; genocide is now called population planning ; abortifacient drugs are being readied for widespread distribution; and artificial intelligence threatens to overpower man himself, replacing human reasoning with electromechanical reactions. How did we get into this mess? What can be done to stop this madness? In this 25th anniversary edition of The End of Man, John Whitehead clearly traces the present situation back to its historical and intellectual roots. He builds a powerful case drawn from the writings of leading thinkers of the day-C.S. Lewis, Jacques Ellul, Malcolm Muggeridge, and others. Thoroughly documented with footnotes, a lengthy biography, and an updated foreword, Whitehead s assessment of the times supported by an enormous body of research.