The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law - A Handbook for Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals, Second Edition
The Second Edition of The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law features additional information from the IDEA regulations and court decisions including resolving disputes using the State Education Agency complaint process including obtaining compensatory services; timelines for dispute resolution and due process hearings; burden of proof in due process hearings; what constitutes a pattern of removal of a student in the disciplinary process triggering the need to conduct a manifestation determination; and services for children with disabilities placed by their parents in private schools.
The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law is an essential tool to help parents get the best education possible for their child with disabilities. The Everyday Guide covers the IDEA's Part B (service for children aged 3 - 21), Part C (services for infants and toddlers), and Section 504. An exact Spanish/English version of this book, GuiÂÂa de La Ley Educacion Especial, is also available through