Beyond Boundaries: The Adventures of a Seer
2020 Edition
Louise Hauck has been gifted from early childhood with the ability to read other people-their lives, past, present, and future are visible to hear. Over the years, as a clairvoyant spiritual counselor, she has collected stories that teach, enlighten, and reveal that "Life does make sense We can embrace life and death, trusting rather than fearing both. Life balances itself; it is fair. Nothing is ever lost, and love continues on into eternity."
"Beyond Boundaries is charming and profound, delightful and insightful, fascinating and instructive. One can only feel admiration and gratitude for her courage in being willing to share so openly experiences of a sort that many hide away with embarrassment." -Willis Harman, Institute of Noetic Sciences
"An inspiring read that challenges our assumptions about who we are and the nature of time." -Peter Russell, author of The White Hole in Time and The Global Brain
"Beyond Boundaries sketches the context and provides samples of types of data that are central to the emerging spiritual psychology. It also provides valuable perspectives for those who are awakening to the perceptions of the soul." -Gary Zukav, author of Dancing Wu Li Masters and The Seat of the Soul